Sunday, May 29, 2011

EPTAS after chapter 10

In Chapter 10, Digital Diagnosis, Dr. Sanders takes us on a journey from 1976 to 2009, examining the potential of utilizing the power of computers to analyze and diagnose patients. Computational analysis of complex data is what computers excel at, after all...shouldn't they be able to help?

Please answer the questions below by class time on Wednesday, June 1st.
  1. What stood out for you in this chapter?
  2. At the end of chapter 9, Dr. Sanders had mentioned implementing a "checklist system." After reading  chapter 10, do you think computerized diagnostics or implementing checklists would have a more positive impact on patients in the next 5 years? What about in the next 30 years? Do these tools address the same issues, and if not, what key issue are they still missing?

Friday, May 27, 2011

EPTAS after chapter 9

In this chapter, Sick Thinking, Dr. Sanders explores diagnostic error.
  1. How important is diagnostic error in the field of medicine? As a potential patient, are you worried about it? Do you think more research should be done around this issue? 
  2. What stood out for you in this chapter?
Please address the questions above before Saturday, May 28th.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Osmoregulation and Excretion Overview Video

The first half of the video below is about thermoregulation, which we discussed earlier this year. You can watch it to review, or skip to 5 minutes in, where Mr. Andersen starts discussing osmogregulation and excretion.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Human Physiology Review Quetions

Follow this link to a site with excellent thought questions about human anatomy and physiology. There are a bunch of questions (33!) that cover many different aspects of the different body systems we studied.


Osmogregulation Activities

Structure of the Human Excretory System

Nephron Function

Control of Water Re-absorption

These activities should be a good way to review the material and see if you know your stuff!

Friday, May 20, 2011

EPTAS after chapter 8

In Part Three of her book, High Tech, Dr. Sanders looks at how testing has changed how medicine is practiced. Please address both questions below by class time on Monday.

  1. There are many different kinds of medical tests that were mentioned in this chapter; would you trust the results from all tests equally? Please explain with an example.
  2. What point is she trying to make by focusing on Lyme disease?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Gas Exhange: How it Works

This video gives a nice overview and explanations of general questions 3 and 4. Would probably be a good idea to check it out!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

EPTAS after chapter 7

Dr. Sanders focuses on hearing and its importance to medicine and the art of diagnosis in Chapter 7, and in particular, its importance for studying cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses. What did you see in this chapter that was surprising? Please reflect on the chapter, what you found interesting, how it related to your case study, and comment on at least one other student's comments. (whoever posts first, please make a 2nd shorter post responding to a classmates ideas)

Post before Saturday, May 7th.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Circulatory/Respiratory CASE STUDIES General Questions

  1. Trace a drop of blood from the heart to the body and back to the heart. 
  2. Distinguish between arteries, veins and capillaries both functionally and structurally.  Describe the composition and functions of blood.
  3. Describe the mechanics of breathing. Include the relationship between pressure and volume.  
  4. How are oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in the blood? 
Diagrams will probably be very helpful when answering these questions. Please try to be thorough, but concise. Try to avoid repeating yourself. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Circulatory/Respiratory CASE STUDIES presented as Wikispaces


Create a Wiki account:

Go to and create an account for your group. Name the account “Period_RespiratoryCase1” (for example) so we know what case study is being presented. Simply follow the on-screen directions to build your site.

Wiki Permission = Protected
Wiki Type - K12 Education
Wiki Name = “P3Circulatory1” or whatever
Manage Wiki - Invite your group members(need email account) + teacher
Build your site!

What to include in your Wiki:

The purpose of your Wiki is to educate other students in the class about your case study. You can assume that your audience knows the basics about how the circulatory and respiratory systems work, but you need to clearly explain all of the specific aspects of your case study. Be sure to include:

1. An introduction to your patient (age, sex, symptoms, whatever history is relevant)
2. An overview of the basic issue/condition/problem faced by your patient
3. A discussion of what’s causing the symptoms, how it’s diagnosed, and how it should be treated. This part of your Wiki should essentially answer the questions presented in your case study. Don’t write them out as answers though – present the information in an interesting, clear way that will share your understanding of the patient’s condition with your fellow students.
4. Include links to relevant sources used to find your information.

Pictures: Place at least two (but preferably more) figures, diagrams, photos etc. to illustrate your case study. Engage your viewer with interesting images.

Video/animations: Embed at least one video or animation in your wiki, again, illustrating some aspect of your case study. Try to find videos that pack a lot of relevant information into a short amount of time. Use your best judgment to find examples that are accurate and clear. Under EDIT menu go to Widgets and Video. Follow the onscreen directions. Check with your teacher if you aren’t sure.